Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Saucy Jacky

Crimson pearls fell to the ground as she clutched at her throat; the only sound, an incessant gurgle. 
Her knees buckled, and she collapsed. 
The coppery scent of her blood filled the air, as the meticulous hands of her dark assailant went to work; his breathing was harried, and manic. 
With silent satisfaction, he stood back, and observed the macabre spectacle that he'd created. 
The hoofbeats which signaled the approach of his cab, sounded slow, and hesitant; his driver did not approve. 
Calmly, he straightened his cape, and hat, for there was more work to be done on this night.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Scribbler

"Don't get too comfortable, Dave," Karl said evenly. "With ideas like yours, they'll fire you soon enough." 
Dave endured such comments from 'Star Employee' Karl Manning, daily; that would end, today
Focusing intensely, Dave doodled a stick figure in his favorite notepad. 
Underneath, he wrote 'Karl', and in a crude way, the figure did resemble his abusive co-worker. 
Sweat trickling down his brow, he drew an exploding heart in 'Karl's' chest, as the real Karl clutched at his chest, flopped to the floor, and died. 
Dave smiled, closing his notepad. 
Another rung in the corporate ladder had been scaled.